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  1. Hola quisiera saber quien me puede ayudar con algunas imagenes en diseño grafico alguien que sepa y que la tenga clara. dejo mi msn: predador.cs@hotmail.com notificarme por aca cuando me agregaron se trata de unir dos imagenes y forma 1 imagen tiene que ver con el manejo de los canales RGB si puede ser lo antes posible mejor la imagen la pasara por el eme saludos
  2. me fijo la guia de emi la del func door el tema es este ,yo a un bloque le doy func door todo bien , yo cuando apreto el boton en vez de que baje sube , ya vi eso de picht roll , pero que grandos , le tengo que poner para bajen? otra cosa , yo las celdas de jb , quisiera que abran un poquito para que los tts puedan pasar a e irse , no se que vayan contra la pared y desaparezcan http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/dibujozn.jpg/ ahi como se va se van todos , toskearian , quisiera que abran no del todo poquito o que las de arriba suban y las de abajo bajen
  3. matinssj los borre y los volvi a hacer y nada ,ayudame por fa , si te paso el rmf no me lo podes solucionar? tiene que ir encajadas en el hueco que hiz para las celdas
  4. bueno ya se como lo arregla el tema es que en las rejas tengo el problema y yo las rejas las tengo como func door ya y relacionado con el boton , lo que pasa que las encaje todo , cuando apreta para arreglar esa reja se me seleccionan todas , quisiera saber si hay otra forma dejo el block hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlcsg ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlcsg.exe""C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa" -= Current hlcsg Settings =- Name | Setting | Default ---------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] noclip [ off ] [ off ] onlyents [ off ] [ off ] wadtextures [ on ] [ on ] skyclip [ on ] [ on ] hullfile [ None ] [ None ] min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ] brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ] Wadinclude list : [zhlt.wad] entering C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa.map CreateBrush: (0.17 seconds) SetModelCenters: (0.00 seconds) CSGBrush: (0.27 seconds) Using WAD File: \archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\valve\halflife.wad Using WAD File: \archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (345918 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3186:ACGMAPBY] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (301230 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3217:FUNNYBEARS] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (314334 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3218:HAPPYFACE] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (241422 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3219:MIESERJOB2K3IT] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (220590 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3220:MONORAILDOG] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (279054 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3221:SANTACAT] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (241422 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\xmas.wad] Texture[3222:SECRETDOOR] Using WAD File: \archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3291:!LAVA3] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3444:LADRILLOS5] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3471:LAVA2] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (230652 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3522:PISO17] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3545:ROCA13] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3553:ROCA21] Warning: ::: Larger than expected texture (348972 bytes) Wad:wad[\archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\r4m0n3.wad] Texture[3558:ROCA26] Using WAD File: \archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\bueno.wad Using WAD File: \archivos de programa\counter-strike 1.6\cstrike\jail_xmf_btm.wad added 4 additional animating textures. Texture usage is at 1.03 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX) 0.56 seconds elapsed ----- END hlcsg ----- hlbsp v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlbsp ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlbsp.exe""C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa" -= Current hlbsp Settings =- Name | Setting | Default -------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] noclip [ off ] [ off ] nofill [ off ] [ off ] notjunc [ off ] [ off ] subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 240) max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 4096) BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa.prt' 0.58 seconds elapsed ----- END hlbsp ----- hlvis v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlvis ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlvis.exe""C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa" -= Current hlvis Settings =- Name | Setting | Default -------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] fast vis [ off ] [ off ] full vis [ off ] [ off ] 300 portalleafs 1017 numportals BasePortalVis: (0.11 seconds) LeafThread: (9.44 seconds) average leafs visible: 211 g_visdatasize:11431 compressed from 11400 9.58 seconds elapsed ----- END hlvis ----- hlrad v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlrad ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlrad.exe""C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\saabeqaa" -= Current hlrad Settings =- Name | Setting | Default --------------------|---------------------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] vismatrix algorithm [ Original ] [ Original ] oversampling (-extra)[ off ] [ off ] bounces [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ambient light [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] maximum light [ 256.000 ] [ 256.000 ] circus mode [ off ] [ off ] smoothing threshold [ 50.000 ] [ 50.000 ] direct threshold [ 25.000 ] [ 25.000 ] direct light scale [ 2.000 ] [ 2.000 ] coring threshold [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ] patch interpolation [ on ] [ on ] texscale [ on ] [ on ] patch subdividing [ on ] [ on ] chop value [ 64.000 ] [ 64.000 ] texchop value [ 32.000 ] [ 32.000 ] global fade [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ] global falloff [ 2 ] [ 2 ] global light scale [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ] global gamma amount [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ] global sky diffusion [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ] opaque entities [ on ] [ on ] sky lighting fix [ on ] [ on ] incremental [ off ] [ off ] dump [ off ] [ off ] 1633 faces Create Patches : 18939 base patches 0 opaque faces 88694 square feet [12771956.00 square inches] 6 direct lights BuildFacelights: Error: for Face 1390 (texture {fence2) at (1312.000 -3355.000 -177.000) (1206.000 -3355.000 -177.000) (1206.000 -3356.000 -177.000) (1312.000 -3356.000 -177.000) Error: Bad surface extents (5 x 13885) Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem ----- END hlrad ----- esas son las rejas http://imageshack.us/f/861/dibujoar.jpg/
  5. ok ahora pruebo de paso , te agradezco martinsjj , por el tuto del func pushable part 2
  6. mi tema es este yo quiero hacer una celda principal de jail , que cuando toque un boton suban mesas de arriba y cuando toques ootra vez el boton bajen
  7. hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlcsg ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlcsg.exe"-wadinclude Ultimate_Textures.wad -wadinclude r4m0n3.wad -wadinclude bueno.wad "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\asdaaaaa" -= Current hlcsg Settings =- Name | Setting | Default ---------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] noclip [ off ] [ off ] onlyents [ off ] [ off ] wadtextures [ on ] [ on ] skyclip [ on ] [ on ] hullfile [ None ] [ None ] min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ] brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ] Wadinclude list : [zhlt.wad] [ultimate_Textures.wad] [r4m0n3.wad] [bueno.wad] entering C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\asdaaaaa.map Error: Entity 210 has no visible brushes Error: No visibile brushes Description: All brushes are CLIP or ORIGIN (at least one must be normal/visible) Howto Fix: self explanitory eso pasa no se xq
  8. ahora lo ago lo q pasa que es un jb tonce cuesta
  9. bueno ya termine el map todo y me encuentro que bastanten entites y brush con una textura WOOD no se cuanta ahi lo dice , busque texturas iguales y las borre y la que es que sigue tirandome el error de esa textura , osea el solido que taba con la textura WOOD , la cambia por otra madera y desp abajo me da otro error hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001) Based on Valve's version, modified with permission. Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com) ----- BEGIN hlcsg ----- Command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\zhlt253\hlcsg.exe"-wadinclude r4m0n3.wad "C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\jail" -= Current hlcsg Settings =- Name | Setting | Default ---------------------|-----------|------------------------- threads [ 2 ] [ Varies ] verbose [ off ] [ off ] log [ on ] [ on ] developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ] chart [ off ] [ off ] estimate [ off ] [ off ] max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ] priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ] noclip [ off ] [ off ] onlyents [ off ] [ off ] wadtextures [ on ] [ on ] skyclip [ on ] [ on ] hullfile [ None ] [ None ] min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ] brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ] Wadinclude list : [zhlt.wad] [r4m0n3.wad] entering C:\Documents and Settings\Pc\Escritorio\jail.map CreateBrush: Error: Entity 0, Brush 586, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: plane with no normal Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem Error: Entity 0, Brush 586, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-1657, -598, -1522), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 587, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 586, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-1657, -598, -1522), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 588, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 587, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-1649, -590, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 588, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-1657, -598, -1500), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 587, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-1649, -606, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 589, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 588, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-1657, -598, -1500), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 589, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-1649, -606, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 590, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1561, -598, -1522), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 589, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-1649, -590, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 590, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1561, -598, -1522), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 591, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1569, -590, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 591, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1569, -606, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 592, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1561, -598, -1500), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 592, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1561, -598, -1500), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 593, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1569, -606, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8617,-6833,-11584)-(7474,6224,-1512) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8617,-6833,-11584)-(7474,6224,-1512) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8617,-6833,-11584)-(7474,6224,-1512) Error: Entity 0, Brush 593, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1569, -590, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 593: outside world(+/-4096): (-1573,-610,-10000)-(-1549,-586,-1536) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11620)-(8596,6240,-1476) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11620)-(8596,6240,-1476) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11620)-(8596,6240,-1476) Error: Entity 0, Brush 593: outside world(+/-4096): (-1589,-626,-10036)-(-1533,-570,-1500) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8649,-6865,-11616)-(8601,6256,-1480) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8649,-6865,-11616)-(8601,6256,-1480) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8649,-6865,-11616)-(8601,6256,-1480) Error: Entity 0, Brush 593: outside world(+/-4096): (-1605,-642,-10032)-(-1517,-554,-1504) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11602)-(8565,6240,-1494) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11602)-(8565,6240,-1494) Error: Entity 0, Brush 593: outside world(+/-4096): (-1589,-626,-10018)-(-1533,-570,-1518) Error: Entity 0, Brush 592: outside world(+/-4096): (-8633,-6849,-11602)-(8565,6240,-1494) Error: Entity 0, Brush 647, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1554, -827, -1521), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 648, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1562, -819, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 647, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1554, -827, -1521), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 648, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1562, -835, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 649, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1554, -827, -1497), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 650, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1562, -835, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 649, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1554, -827, -1497), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 650, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1562, -819, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8612,-6679,-11925)-(7257,5769,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 650: outside world(+/-4096): (-1566,-839,-10000)-(-1542,-815,-1536) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8612,-6679,-11925)-(7257,5769,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8612,-6679,-11925)-(7257,5769,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 650: outside world(+/-4096): (-1582,-855,-10036)-(-1526,-799,-1500) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11961)-(8139,5785,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11961)-(8139,5785,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11961)-(8139,5785,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 650: outside world(+/-4096): (-1598,-871,-10032)-(-1510,-783,-1504) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8644,-6711,-11957)-(8145,5801,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8644,-6711,-11957)-(8145,5801,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8644,-6711,-11957)-(8145,5801,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 650: outside world(+/-4096): (-1582,-855,-10018)-(-1526,-799,-1518) Error: Entity 0, Brush 651, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1661, -828, -1521), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11943)-(8111,5785,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11943)-(8111,5785,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 649: outside world(+/-4096): (-8628,-6695,-11943)-(8111,5785,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 651, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1661, -828, -1521), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 652, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1669, -820, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 652, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1669, -836, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 653, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1661, -828, -1497), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 653, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1661, -828, -1497), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8643,-6689,-11962)-(7226,5779,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8643,-6689,-11962)-(7226,5779,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 654, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1669, -836, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8643,-6689,-11962)-(7226,5779,-1510) Error: Entity 0, Brush 654, Side 12: has a coplanar plane at (-1669, -820, -1536), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 654: outside world(+/-4096): (-1673,-840,-10000)-(-1649,-816,-1536) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11998)-(8067,5795,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11998)-(8067,5795,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11998)-(8067,5795,-1474) Error: Entity 0, Brush 654: outside world(+/-4096): (-1689,-856,-10036)-(-1633,-800,-1500) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8675,-6721,-11994)-(8073,5811,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8675,-6721,-11994)-(8073,5811,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8675,-6721,-11994)-(8073,5811,-1478) Error: Entity 0, Brush 654: outside world(+/-4096): (-1705,-872,-10032)-(-1617,-784,-1504) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11980)-(8039,5795,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11980)-(8039,5795,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 653: outside world(+/-4096): (-8659,-6705,-11980)-(8039,5795,-1492) Error: Entity 0, Brush 654: outside world(+/-4096): (-1689,-856,-10018)-(-1633,-800,-1518) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 1: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (732, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 6: has a coplanar plane at (528, 431, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (240, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (240, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (324, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (324, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (324, 432, -1183), texture GLASSBLUE1 Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1183)-(10000,10000,-1183) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1183)-(10000,10000,-1183) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1219)-(10000,10000,-1219) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1219)-(10000,10000,-1219) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1215)-(10000,10000,-1215) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1215)-(10000,10000,-1215) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1201)-(10000,10000,-1201) Error: Entity 0, Brush 717: outside world(+/-4096): (-10000,-10000,-1201)-(10000,10000,-1201) Error: Entity 0, Brush 718: outside world(+/-4096): (-4100,-32,-1632)-(416,2144,-1508) Error: Entity 0, Brush 737: outside world(+/-4096): (97,-4104,-1719)-(1184,32,-1508) Error: Entity 0, Brush 742, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 742, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1552, 2099, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 742, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (1552, 2099, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 742, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1552, 2100, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 743, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1553, 2101, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1576, 2100, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (1574, 2091, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 748, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1578, 2100, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 748, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1575, 2100, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1574, 2107, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1577, 2108, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 748, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1575, 2108, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (1579, 2107, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 747, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1580, 2105, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 748, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1577, 2108, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 748, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1580, 2104, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 754, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 754, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1289, 2094, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 754, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (1289, 2094, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 754, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1289, 2095, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 755, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1290, 2096, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 757, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1315, 2095, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 757, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1312, 2095, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 757, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1312, 2103, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 757, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1314, 2103, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 757, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1317, 2099, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1313, 2095, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (1311, 2086, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1311, 2102, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1314, 2103, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (1316, 2102, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 758, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1317, 2100, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 803, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1066, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 803, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1063, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 803, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1063, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 803, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1065, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 803, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1068, 2092, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (1064, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (1062, 2079, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (1062, 2095, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (1065, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (1067, 2095, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 805, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (1068, 2093, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 807, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 807, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (1040, 2087, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 807, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (1040, 2087, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 807, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1040, 2088, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 808, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (1041, 2089, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 849, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (828, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 849, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (825, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 849, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (825, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 849, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (827, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 849, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (830, 2092, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (826, 2088, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (824, 2079, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (824, 2095, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (827, 2096, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (829, 2095, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 851, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (830, 2093, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 853, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 853, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (802, 2087, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 853, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (802, 2087, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 853, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (802, 2088, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 854, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (803, 2089, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 895, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (570, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 895, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (567, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 895, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (567, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 895, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (569, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 895, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (572, 2088, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (568, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (566, 2075, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (566, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (569, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (571, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 897, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (572, 2089, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 899, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 899, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (544, 2083, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 899, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (544, 2083, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 899, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (544, 2084, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 900, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (545, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 941, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (314, 2082, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 941, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (311, 2082, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 941, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (311, 2090, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 941, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (313, 2090, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 941, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (316, 2086, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (312, 2082, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (310, 2073, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (310, 2089, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (313, 2090, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (315, 2089, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 943, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (316, 2087, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 945, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 945, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (288, 2081, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 945, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (288, 2081, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 945, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (288, 2082, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 946, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (289, 2083, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 987, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (57, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 987, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (54, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 987, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (54, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 987, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (56, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 987, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (59, 2088, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (55, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (53, 2075, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (53, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (56, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (58, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 989, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (59, 2089, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 991, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 991, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (31, 2083, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 991, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (31, 2083, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 991, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (31, 2084, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 992, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (32, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1033, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-197, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1033, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-200, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1033, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-200, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1033, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-198, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1033, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-195, 2088, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-199, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-201, 2075, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-201, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-198, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-196, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1035, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-195, 2089, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1037, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1037, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-223, 2083, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1037, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-223, 2083, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1037, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-223, 2084, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1038, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-222, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1079, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-466, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1079, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-469, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1079, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-469, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1079, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-467, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1079, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-464, 2088, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-468, 2084, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-470, 2075, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-470, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-467, 2092, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-465, 2091, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1081, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-464, 2089, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1083, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1083, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-492, 2083, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1083, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-492, 2083, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1083, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-492, 2084, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1084, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-491, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1125, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-727, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1125, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-730, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1125, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-730, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1125, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-728, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1125, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-725, 2090, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-729, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-731, 2077, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-731, 2093, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-728, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-726, 2093, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1127, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-725, 2091, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1129, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1129, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-753, 2085, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1129, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-753, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1129, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-753, 2086, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1130, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-752, 2087, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1190: outside world(+/-4096): (3408,-1720,-1716)-(4108,-1148,-1496) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1190: outside world(+/-4096): (3392,-1736,-1712)-(4124,-1132,-1500) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1190: outside world(+/-4096): (3408,-1720,-1698)-(4108,-1148,-1514) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1191: outside world(+/-4096): (3408,-2096,-1652)-(4108,-1688,-1516) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1191: outside world(+/-4096): (3392,-2112,-1648)-(4124,-1672,-1520) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1191: outside world(+/-4096): (3408,-2096,-1634)-(4108,-1688,-1534) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1197: outside world(+/-4096): (3409,-2160,-1652)-(4108,-2064,-1108) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1197: outside world(+/-4096): (3393,-2176,-1648)-(4124,-2048,-1112) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1197: outside world(+/-4096): (3409,-2160,-1634)-(4108,-2064,-1126) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-975, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-977, 2077, -1520), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1252, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-973, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1252, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-976, 2086, -1519), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-977, 2093, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-974, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1252, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-976, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 15: has a coplanar plane at (-972, 2093, -1526), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1252, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-974, 2094, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1251, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-971, 2091, -1525), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1252, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-971, 2090, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1262, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1262, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-999, 2085, -1479), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1262, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-999, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1262, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-999, 2086, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1263, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-998, 2087, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1292, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-1216, 2087, -1524), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1292, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-1219, 2086, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1292, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-1221, 2077, -1524), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1293, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (-1217, 2086, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1293, Side 5: has a coplanar plane at (-1220, 2086, -1523), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1292, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-1218, 2094, -1531), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1292, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-1215, 2091, -1528), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1293, Side 11: has a coplanar plane at (-1220, 2094, -1531), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1293, Side 13: has a coplanar plane at (-1218, 2094, -1531), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1293, Side 16: has a coplanar plane at (-1215, 2090, -1527), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1303, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1303, Side 4: has a coplanar plane at (-1243, 2085, -1482), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1303, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1243, 2085, -1485), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1303, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-1243, 2086, -1485), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1304, Side 0: plane with no normal Error: Entity 0, Brush 1304, Side 8: has a coplanar plane at (-1242, 2085, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1304, Side 9: has a coplanar plane at (-1242, 2087, -1486), texture WOODFLOOR01_512 Error: Entity 0, Brush 1742: outside world(+/-4096): (97,-4104,-417)-(1183,32,-258) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1743: outside world(+/-4096): (1119,-4104,-839)-(1196,-289,-355) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1744: outside world(+/-4096): (1118,-4105,-1571)-(1196,-3610,-775) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1745: outside world(+/-4096): (106,-4104,-1572)-(1182,-4027,-353) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1749: outside world(+/-4096): (-4100,-33,-1022)-(-3291,2144,-316) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1750: outside world(+/-4096): (-4100,2080,-1572)-(-3291,2151,-958) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1751: outside world(+/-4096): (-4109,-16,-1636)-(-4052,2135,-954) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1751: outside world(+/-4096): (-4125,-32,-1632)-(-4036,2151,-958) Error: Entity 0, Brush 1751: outside world(+/-4096): (-4109,-16,-1618)-(-4052,2135,-972) Error: Exceeded MAX_MAP_PLANES Description: The maximum number of plane definitions has been reached Howto Fix: The map has grown too complex ----- END hlcsg -----
  10. martinssj cual es este error

    Error: Exceeded MAX_MAP_PLANES

  11. gracias matinssj sisi lo vi , pero fui muy al grano , gracias che sos el mas goros de MZ
  12. hola quisiera saber si hay un tuto de como ahcer un tobogan acuatico o algo parecido y otra cosa si hay un tuto de que en el agua , puedan flotar y moverse objetos
  13. no pongas sky o en name de sky pone space o otros osea o si no pones un techo y listo
  14. si pero necesitaria la puerta de vidrio y desp ponerle transparencia
  15. quisiera una puerta corredisa transparente como esta http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/jailxmf0300.png/sr=1 como esa que busque en google de xmf una asi se me peuden pasar el wad lo agredeceria nv
  16. diego sos @#|#|@#| Men , si no sabes no hables , me hicistes borrar todo y ahora tengo alto bardo
  17. quisiera una que que osea ago una celda , y que se metan , cierro la puerta y se llena de agua o lava y mueran me explicas como o algun tuto
  18. Tema: hacer ductos para jailbreak y objetos para zoan de tortua como silla electrica , ahogarte con el agua , el coso grandote que baja y te mata etc
  19. lo pude solucionar mandenlo a solucionados nv
  20. emi me podes ayudar por favor?

    yo se que vos sabes no te cuetse nada , decirme por que no puedo pegar los prefabs , ya hize un tema con esto


    saludos y gracias

  21. sry no se puede intente todo
  22. me prece que no se entiende no me pega el prefab no se por que hace 2 dias que lo vengo diciendo control c , control v copy paste edicion copiar edicion pegar Y NADA



Mundo Mapper es una comunidad que se especializa en la creación de mapas para diversos juegos, como Counter-Strike 1.6 y Half-Life, utilizando el programa Valve Hammer Editor. Si eres un apasionado de los videojuegos y te interesa diseñar tus propios escenarios, ¡Mundo Mapper es el lugar perfecto para ti! 🎮

Puedes encontrar más información sobre Mundo Mapper en sus redes sociales:

Facebook: Mundo Mapper
YouTube: Mundo Mapper

¡Explora tu creatividad y construye mundos virtuales con Mundo Mapper! 🌍



Si deseas aprender más sobre el mapeo o configurar herramientas como Batch Compiler, Valve Hammer Editor o J.A.C.K, MundoMapper.net ofrece tutoriales útiles. Por ejemplo:

Configurar Batch Compiler 3.1.2: Este tutorial te guía en la configuración de Batch Compiler, una herramienta esencial para compilar mapas en Counter-Strike.

Configurar Valve Hammer Editor 3.5: Aprende los primeros pasos para usar Valve Hammer Editor, la herramienta de creación de mapas para juegos como Half-Life y Counter-Strike.

Configurar J.A.C.K: J.A.C.K. es una herramienta poderosa para diseñar y construir mapas en juegos como Half-Life y Counter-Strike

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